SPECIALLY Designed For B2B Business Owners:

Use Proven Prospecting Systems To 

Fill Your Calendar With Highly Qualified Prospects 

 In Less Than 30 Days.

And the best part: It works even if you are a complete newbie at marketing.

And the best part: It works even if you are a complete newbie at marketing.


"The Prospecting Engine Blueprint IS NOT merely a book..."

  • It’s NOT a fluffed up marketing course full of theory but lacking in action.

  • It’s NOT a 426-page rarely-talked-about-inadvertently-exposed-prime-formula advertising plan.

  • It’s NOT a bunch of 🐂🐂🐂 based on no (or very little) real-world success

  • It’s NOT a fluffed up marketing course full of theory but lacking in action.

  • It’s NOT a 426-page rarely-talked- about-inadvertently-exposed- prime-formula advertising plan.

  • It’s NOT a bunch of 🐂🐂🐂 based on no (or very little) real- world success

It is a Proven Blueprint!

What if filling your calendar with highly qualified prospects was as easy as following the blueprint to assemble an engine (but without grease under your nails)? Just follow the template, execute the steps in order and… Voila.

That is The Prospecting Engine Blueprint.

It’s a COLLECTION of easy-to-follow highly-actionable prospecting techniques including selecting your ideal niche, targeting decision makers and perfecting your outreach. 

Simple to follow. 

Ready to implement.

One Super-Effective CONCEPT helped me build

My First $10k/Month Agency In Under 30 Days

It was in 2016. My marketing and prospecting efforts were failing. I spent more time & money on prospecting and ads than I made from them. Of course, I tried to fix it:

  • I changed the ad creatives, targeting, & settings and...  Didn’t

  • I ramped up my cold calling efforts and...Didn’t work!

  • I created multiple variations of my funnels... Didn’t work!

  • I changed the ad creatives, targeting, & settings and... Didn’t work!

  • I ramped up my cold calling efforts and...Didn’t work!

  • I created multiple variations of my funnels... Didn’t work!

James Viola & David Getsinger have helped 200+ businesses and entrepreneurs get more customers using their proven blueprint.

James Viola & David Getsinger have helped 200+ businesses and entrepreneurs get more customers using their proven blueprint.

James Viola & David Getsinger have helped 200+ businesses and entrepreneurs get more

customers using their proven blueprint.

Then I found my SALVATION...

I met a few B2B business owners who were crushing it. They were able to get booked appointments with decision makers who were in their target market with ease.

They didn’t have a superior sales process, deliver a higher-quality service or have better-written ads.

The MAJOR difference was in the platform they were using and that they were targeting a specific niche.

Then I realized that…

...the REAL PROBLEM of my non-converting campaigns was  


Look. I am not the only person who thinks so.


There are tons of marketers talking about getting laser focus on your “niche within a niche.”

Look. I am not the only person who thinks so.


There are tons of marketers talking about getting laser focus on your “niche within a niche.”

"Obsessively specialize. No niche is too

small, if it's yours... "

"Obsessively specialize. No niche is too small, if it's yours... "

Back to the story...

Ok. I got it. I had to get focused on a niche and start prospecting on LinkedIn

But I HATED (and still do) prospecting. 

And trying to accurately target decision makers, get them to actually read your messages, and establish authority from scratch is hard….. DAMN HARD!

Do you know what the most frustrating thing was when I had to develop a prospecting campaign?

Do you know what was going on inside my head?


An empty thought bubble. Like this


Back to the story...

Ok. I got it. I had to get focused on a niche and start prospecting on LinkedIn

But I HATED (and still do) prospecting. 

And trying to accurately target decision makers, get them to actually read your messages, and establish authority from scratch is hard….. DAMN HARD!

Do you know what the most frustrating thing was when I had to develop a prospecting campaign?

Do you know what was going on inside my head?


An empty thought bubble. Like this one:

And that thought bubble remained empty for a very long time.

many… MANY... LONG… HOURS!

Whispering to me: “Build it….. Build it…. bbbuuuiiillldit.”

Damn, it really stressed me out! I hated it so much. I KNEW I had to build the campaign, but didn’t know WHERE to start?

Know the feeling?

Terrible… Right?

But (luckily for me)...

I got a

Do-More-With-Less IDEA

What if I there was a way to reach out to decision makers in my niche AT SCALE?. I was thinking for a moment about it and then...

I found it. (Good ideas are reserved for those that search right?) I met a software developer that was actively working on EXACTLY what I was looking for. He asked me if I wanted to Beta test his software and we got right to work...

Along the way, I developed this simple 3 phase process

Optimize LinkedIn Profile to speak to the pain points of a


Use Sales Navigator to get laser focused targeting of

decision makers

Create a messaging sequence & use software to automate

outreach to decision makers.

The result?
The result?

26 Booked Calls

 $12,497 In Sales 

($7,500 of which was recurring)

26 Booked Calls

 $12,497 In Sales 

($7,500 of which was recurring)

Obviously. Not in one day or a week. It took 30 days after setting everything up and launching to generate this revenue.

But the important thing is that I did 95% of the work in the initial setup phase. I didn’t have to change almost anything later on. I just needed to keep adding fresh prospect lists into the software and make sure I was staying compliant with LinkedIn’s do’s and don’ts.

And you know what?

3 years and dozens of clients later, I realized that THIS FIRST campaign is still one of my best outreach campaigns I have ever created.

Obviously. Not in one day or a week. It

took 30 days after setting everything up and launching to generate this revenue.

But the important thing is that I did 95% of the work in the initial setup phase. didn’t have to change almost anything later on. I just needed to keep adding fresh prospect lists into the software and make sure I was staying compliant with LinkedIn’s do’s and don’ts.

And you know what?

3 years and dozens of clients later, I realized that THIS FIRST campaign is still one of my best outreach campaigns I have ever created.

This is the


Prospecting is like an assembly line

Prospecting is like an

assembly line

Implement the right techniques in the right order and enjoy the predictable outcome.

Implement the right techniques in the right order and enjoy the predictable outcome.

If you want a reliable engine, all you need to do is to follow a time-proven process.

Instead of going outside the box adding in your own steps (and hope the engine will run good), do this:

If you want a reliable engine, all you need to do is to follow a time-proven process.

Instead of going outside the box adding in your own steps (and hope the engine will run good), do this:

How To Build A Reliable Engine:

It’s the same with prospecting.



Prospecting System

If you want to fill your calendar with qualified appointments (even if you are a complete newbie at prospecting), follow  these 3 steps: 

No worries, if you haven’t built a single prospecting campaign before.

Remember, my VERY first campaign

was created based on this exact method and is STILL one of my best campaigns.

No worries, if you haven’t built a single prospecting campaign before.

Remember, my VERY first campaign was created based on this exact method and is STILL one of my best campaigns.

For ALL Frustrated

B2B Business Owners

  • who struggle to sell their impactful product or service,

  • who don’t know how to build authority in their niche,

  • who can’t turn  prospects to appointments predictably

  • who don’t want to risk tons of money in ads,

  • who don’t want to spam Facebook groups with their offers,

  • who don’t want to waste hours on cold calling people who inevitably never buy…

    Guys, I have a message for you (a message I would have given myself 3 years ago):

  • who struggle to sell their impactful product or service,

  • who don’t know how to build authority in their niche,

  • who can’t turn  prospects to appointments predictably

  • who don’t want to risk tons of money in ads,

  • who don’t want to spam Facebook groups with their offers,

  • who don’t want to waste hours on cold calling people who inevitably never buy…

Guys, I have a message for you (a message I would have given myself 3 years ago):

If you feel that being a beginner at prospecting is a curse... Turn it into your blessing and...

Use Proven Prospecting Systems To Fill Your Calendar With Highly Qualified Prospects

In Less Than 30 Days.

Make Your Curse a Blessing

Inside Your Prospecting Engine Blueprint

Is EVERYTHING You Need to Build Your Predictable

Prospecting Engine 

Is EVERYTHING You Need to Build Your Predictable

Prospecting Engine 

Manual # 1

Select your niche using

Niche Authority Blueprint

If you consider prospecting just an unpleasant chore… Here is your brand-new PROSPECTING blueprint.

You can instantly implement these (straight-forward high-converting prospecting campaigns) PROSPECTING blueprints.

It’s as easy being on the assembly

line (but without the grease under your nails and cuts on your hands). All you need is to follow the system:

Pssst, there is a SECRET TECHNIQUE

that makes your PROSPECTING unique

You might think: “Ok, but if

everybody is going to use these processes… Won’t my campaigns be

the same as the others out there?”

And the short answer is: NO

Thanks to this SECRET TECHNIQUE, there is almost no chance that someone else uses the same exact PROSPECTING CAMPAIGN.

The chances you will use the same exact prospecting campaign are

LOWER than:

You might think: “Ok, but if everybody is going to use these processes… Won’t my campaigns be the same as the others out there?”

And the short answer is: NO

Thanks to this SECRET TECHNIQUE, there is almost no chance that someone else uses the same exact PROSPECTING CAMPAIGN.

The chances you will use the same exact prospecting campaign are LOWER than:

  • you’ll win the jackpot in the US lottery (chance 1:175,000,000)

  • you'll get caught in a tornado (chance 1:500,000)

  • you’ll be struck by lightning (chance 1:700,000)

  • you’ll win the jackpot in the US lottery (chance 1:175,000,000)

  • you'll get caught in a tornado (chance 1:500,000)

  • you’ll be struck by lightning (chance 1:700,000)

This SECRET TECHNIQUE makes your copy unique.

Manual # 2

Campaign Build Out Blueprint For


The best (and the fastest!) way to get TONS of traction from your

prospecting efforts is through our campaign build out process.

Why? Because we’ve already spent

the time & money on figuring out

what works, and what DOESN’T.

And there are over 303,000,000

active users in the biggest B2B social network (yes, the blue one).

So, don’t want to waste your time

trying to create a campaign from


The best (and the fastest!) way to get TONS of traction from your prospecting efforts is through our campaign build out process.

Why? Because we’ve already spent the time & money on figuring out what works, and what DOESN’T.

And there are over 303,000,000 active users in the biggest B2B social network (yes, the blue one).

So, don’t want to waste your time trying to create a campaign from scratch?

We’ve Got 15 Proven

Campaign Builds For Your Prospecting

Just pick 1 build (template), fill in the blanks… and voila!

Your campaigns are ready to launch.

Manual # 3

Multi-Channel Blueprint for


Many marketers overlook the importance or retargeting and email marketing campaigns because they are solely focused on getting more leads.

But smart B2B businesses don’t judge anything by feelings. They rely on DATA. Because DATA DOESN’T LIE

And here is the TRUTH:

“On average, our customers earn a 1000% ROI... ...and $10 for every $1 spent on retargeting.”

Source: AdRoll.com

That’s the reason why retargeting & email strategies can’t be missing in the Prospecting Engine Blueprint.

That’s the reason why retargeting & email strategies can’t be missing in the Prospecting Engine Blueprint.

15 Persuasively-Written Email & Retargeting Ad Blueprints

  • “Remind and Book” blueprint (3 emails & 2 Ads) - for those who connected, but didn't book a call.

  • “One more thing” series (3 emails & 2 Ads) - for those, who booked a call, but didn't show up.

  • “Refund reducer” series (5 email recipes) - it helps you get your clients better results and reduce refunds (pssst, this is my secret weapon.)

  • “Remind and Book” blueprint (3 emails & 2 Ads) - for those who connected, but didn't book a call.

  • “One more thing” series (3 emails & 2 Ads) - for those, who booked a call, but didn't show up.

  • “Refund reducer” series (5 email recipes) - it helps you get your clients better results and reduce refunds (pssst, this is my secret weapon.)

Once you use these fill-in-the-blanks email recipes and set them in your autoresponder….

… they will work for you whenever a new customer comes to you. All day (and night!) long. Without asking for a salary. Isn't that cool?


The Prospecting Engine Blueprint IS NOT merely a book...

  • It’s NOT a fluffed up marketing course full of theory but lacking in action.

  • ​It’s NOT a 426-page rarely-talked-about-inadvertently-exposed-prime-formula advertising plan.

  • ​​It’s NOT a bunch of 🐂🐂🐂 based on no (or very little) real-world success

It is a Proven Blueprint!

It’s a COLLECTION of easy-to-follow highly-actionable prospecting techniques including selecting your ideal niche, targeting decision makers and perfecting your outreach. Easy to follow. Ready to implement.


The Prospecting

Engine Blueprint IS

NOT merely a book...

  • It’s NOT a fluffed up marketing

    course full of theory but lacking in action.

  • ​ It’s NOT a 426-page rarely-talked- about-inadvertently-exposed-

    prime- formula advertising plan.

  • ​​ It’s NOT a bunch of 🐂🐂🐂 based

    on no (or very little) real-world


It is a Proven


It’s a COLLECTION of easy-to-follow highly-actionable prospecting techniques including selecting your ideal niche,

targeting decision makers and perfecting your outreach. Easy to follow. Ready to implement.

Here’s EVERYTHING You Need to

Fill Your Calendar With Highly Qualified Prospects

 In Less Than 30 Days.

  • Blueprint 1:  Identifying & Selecting Your Hyper Profitable Niche (value $297)

  • ​ Blueprint 2: Targeting Decision Makers (value $297)

  • Blueprint 3: Authoritative Positioning (value $497)

  • ​ Blueprint 4: Messaging & Delivery Method (value $97)

  • Blueprint 5: Chat Triage Secrets (value $97)

  • Blueprint 6: Multi-Channel Retargeting Blueprint (value $1997)

  • ​​ BONUS #1 Pipeline Automation (value $497)

  • ​​ BONUS #2 Done-In-A-Week IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE ($197)

  • BONUS #3 Two Call Close Blueprint (Priceless)

  • Blueprint 1:  Identifying & Selecting Your Hyper Profitable Niche (value $297)

  • ​ Blueprint 2: Targeting Decision Makers (value $297)

  • Blueprint 3: Authoritative Positioning (value $497)

  • ​Blueprint 4: Messaging & Delivery Method (value $97)

  • Blueprint 5: Chat Triage Secrets (value $97)

  • Blueprint 6: Multi-Channel Retargeting Blueprint (value $1997)

  • ​​ BONUS #1 Pipeline Automation (value $497)

  • ​​ BONUS #2 Done-In-A-Week IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE ($197)

  • BONUS #3 Two Call Close Blueprint (Priceless)

Total Value:  $3,976

$5.65 Today!

The BAD NEWS is:

The Prospecting Engine Blueprint Is NOT for Everyone 

  • It’s NOT for people looking for a get-rich-quick scheme..

  • ​It’s NOT for multi-level marketers.

  • ​​It’s NOT e-commerce.

  • It’s NOT for people looking for a get-rich-quick scheme..

  • ​It’s NOT for multi-level marketers.

  • ​​It’s NOT e-commerce.

Sorry guys—maybe next time.


It's SPECIALLY Designed

for B2B Businesses

It's SPECIALLY Designed for

B2B Businesses

No matter which best describes you. It works perfectly for:

  •   Professional services firms 

  • Management Consulting

  • ​Saas

  • ​IT Consultants 

  • ​IT & Software Companies

  • ​IT & Software Consultants

  • ​Staffing & Recruiting

  • ​Commercial Cleaners

  • ​Accountants

  • ​Financial Advisors

  • Professional services firms 

  • Management Consulting

  • ​ Saas

  • ​ IT Consultants 

  • ​ IT & Software Companies

  • ​ IT & Software Consultants

  • ​ Staffing & Recruiting

  • ​ Commercial Cleaners

  • ​ Accountants

  • ​ Financial Advisors

  • Merchant Processing
  • ​Web Developers
  • ​Connecting Real Estate Agents to Mortgage Brokers
  • ​Construction clean up
  • ​Video Production Companies
  • ​Insurance B2B deals
  • ​Consultants
  • ​Consulting Engineers
  • ​Engineers
  • ​Consulting Manufacturing
  • Merchant Processing

  • ​ Web Developers

  • ​ Connecting Real Estate Agents to Mortgage Brokers

  • ​ Construction clean up

  • ​ Video Production Companies

  • ​ Insurance B2B deals

  • ​ Consultants

  • ​ Consulting Engineers

  • ​ Engineers

  • ​ Consulting Manufacturing

  • Landscape Architect Services
  • ​Brand Consultants
  • ​Oracle software consultants
  • ​Netsuite consultants
  • ​Architect
  • ​CRM Software Consultants
  • ​Copywriters
  • ​Manufacturers
  • ​Pharmaceuticals
  • ​Commercial Solar
  • ​... and more!
  • Landscape Architect Services

  • ​ Brand Consultants

  • ​ Oracle software consultants

  • ​ Netsuite consultants

  • ​ Architect

  • ​ CRM Software Consultants

  • ​ Copywriters

  • ​ Manufacturers

  • ​ Pharmaceuticals

  • ​ Commercial Solar

  • ​ ... and more!

"Hi, We’re James & David...

... and WE HATE


Perhaps we have two things in common:

1. We are B2B business owners (just like you). 

We’re grateful we've had the opportunity to work with 200+ entrepreneurs for our done-for-you services. We help them to build predictable prospecting engines and get more customers.

2. WE HATE PROSPECTING. PERIOD. (just like you?)

But we know how important prospecting is. Without a full pipeline, we wouldn’t have been able to sell any of our services (... and more importantly: wouldn’t have had such an impact on their businesses.) So we had no choice. We had to learn it.

We clearly remember how hard it was at the beginning. And we don’t want you to experience long-long hours in front of a screen, with a blank document opened, staring at a blinking cursor and NOT knowing HOW to start.

We felt HORRIBLE and overwhelmed during these moments. That was...


We Created the Prospecting

Engine Blueprint.

We don't want you to feel Horrible, Overwhelmed, and Frustrated.

Thanks to the Prospecting Engine Blueprint ...

You NEVER EVER have to try to create a prospecting campaign from scratch


Never Ever!

Claim Your Seat TODAY  And Get This BONUSES 

Claim Your Seat TODAY  And Get This BONUSES 

Bonus # 1



Pipeline Automation


Let’s be honest. Keeping track of all these new leads (especially when you were used to having little to none) is hard.

People don’t want to spend all day searching for the lead they were supposed to get back to in their inbox. They want results. The sooner, the better.

Discover our innovative system for automatically adding leads to your pipeline AND moving them to the

right stage based on the actions they take on your websites/landing pages. 

Moreover, you’ll be able to set these systems up QUICKER and EASIER than you thought possible.

Bonus # 2



The most awesome part of this

guide is:

Next to each step in the guide, there

are written numbers of

minutes/hours you should spend

on that particular task.

No more wasting time!

So, if you follow this step-by-step

guide, you will be amazed how quickly you can assemble your campaigns.

You can finish all the implementation you need in your campaign in just

ONE week.

The plan helps you keep you on the

right track.

The most awesome part of this guide is:

Next to each step in the guide, there are written numbers of minutes/hours you should spend

on that particular task.

No more wasting time!

So, if you follow this step-by-step guide, you will be amazed how quickly you can assemble your campaigns. You can finish all the implementation you need in your campaign in just ONE week.

The plan helps you keep you on the right track.

2 versions of the

Action Plan:

  •  PDF action plan

  • ​ Trello board action plan

  •  PDF action plan

  • ​ Trello board action plan

Select your preferred format

Bonus # 3



2-Call Close”

“The Consultative 2-Call Close”


What good are high quality, laser

targeted leads if you can’t close them?

With this blueprint at your side, you’ll


So that you can convert prospects to leads, and leads to deals smoothly.

What good are high quality, laser targeted leads if you can’t close them?

With this blueprint at your side, you’ll be UNSTOPPABLE.

So that you can convert prospects to leads, and leads to deals smoothly.

Inside Your Prospecting Engine Blueprint 

Inside Your Prospecting Engine Blueprint 

Here’s EVERYTHING You Need to fill your

Calendar With Highly Qualified Prospects

 In Less Than 30 Days.

  • Blueprint 1:  Identifying & Selecting Your Hyper Profitable Niche (value $297)

  • ​ Blueprint 2: Targeting Decision Makers (value $297)

  • Blueprint 3: Authoritative Positioning (value $497)

  • ​Blueprint 4: Messaging & Delivery Method (value $97)

  • Blueprint 5: Chat Triage Secrets (value $97)

  • Blueprint 6: Multi-Channel Retargeting Blueprint (value $1997)

  • ​​ BONUS #1 Pipeline Automation (value $497)

  • ​​ BONUS #2 Done-In-A-Week IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE ($197)

  • ​ BONUS #3 Two Call Close Blueprint (Priceless)

  • Blueprint 1:  Identifying & Selecting Your Hyper
    Profitable Niche (value $297)

  • ​ Blueprint 2: Targeting Decision Makers (value $297)

  • Blueprint 3: Authoritative Positioning (value $497)

  • ​Blueprint 4: Messaging & Delivery Method (value $97)

  • Blueprint 5: Chat Triage Secrets (value $97)

  • Blueprint 6: Multi-Channel Retargeting Blueprint (value $1997)

  • ​​ BONUS #1 Pipeline Automation (value $497)

  • ​​ BONUS #2 Done-In-A-Week IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE ($197)

  • ​ BONUS #3 Two Call Close Blueprint (Priceless)

Total Value: $3,976

$5.65 Today!

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

30-Day Money

Back Guarantee

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Look. Let’s be honest. You don’t know us (more than likely), we don’t know


Why you should trust us when there is a high chance you have bought a product

before from somebody else (who you didn’t know at that time) and it flopped, right?

We decided to mitigate any risks from your end and give you full 30 days to go

through the program.

During this time if you implement our proven processes and do not get results, just send us an email to info@linkedleadsbook.com and we’ll send you a refund right away!

Stop Analyzing

Start Acting

"So you are trying to convince me that doing it my way is a complete waste of time. And that I am supposed to use your blueprints only. Right?"


We’re 100% sure that taking action is the most important thing you can do to develop in business. Why? Because... 

We’re 100% sure that taking action is the most important thing you can do to develop in business. Why? Because... 


What we’re trying to tell you is this:

You don't need to spend 2 years learning how to prospect. You can use our blueprints and start selling your services now.

And (if you are interested) you can

learn to build your own campaigns afterward.

But for now...


Start implementing. Start taking action. Start getting more clients.

What we’re trying to tell you is this:

You don't need to spend 2 years learning how to prospect. You can use our blueprints and start selling your services now.

And (if you are interested) you can learn to build your own campaigns afterward.

But for now...


Start implementing. Start taking action. Start getting more clients.

Our Blueprints Are Your


The Prospecting Engine Blueprint is a SHORTCUT that helps you fill your calendar with highly qualified prospects who actually WANT to talk to you!

The step-by-step guides inside the blueprint help you create high-

converting messaging sequences,

follow-up emails and ads…

The Prospecting Engine Blueprint is a SHORTCUT that helps you fill your calendar with highly qualified prospects who actually WANT to talk to you!

The step-by-step guides inside the blueprint help you create high-converting messaging sequences, follow-up emails and ads…

  • Even if you are a complete newbie to prospecting and HATE doing it at all. (You are not alone, We hate it too!)

  • Even if you have never built a funnel before and have no idea what psychology of selling is about. (Been there... and these blueprints saved us.)

  • ​ Even if you’ve built a few funnels before and many (if not all) of them failed. (Been there too! Ugh… it was hard. But, pls, don’t give up! Try to use our blueprints.)

  • Even if you are a complete

    newbie to prospecting and HATE doing it at all. (You are not alone,

    We hate it too!)

  • Even if you have never built a funnel before and have no idea

    what psychology of selling is about. (Been there... and these blueprints saved us.)

  • ​ Even if you’ve built a few funnels before and many (if not all) of them failed. (Been there too! Ugh… it was hard. But, pls, don’t give up! Try to

    use our blueprints.)

“Be Not Afraid Of Growing Slowly, Be Afraid Only Of Standing Still.”

Chinese Proverb

Now is the time.

Stop Analyzing... And... Start Acting.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs Here

Who is this toolkit for?

The toolkit is specially designed for B2B Business Owners who already deliver a great service, but need more clients.

How is it different from other courses?

First of all, it's not a course. It’s a COLLECTION of easy-to-follow highly-actionable prospecting techniques AKA Blueprints.

You don't need to spend years learning all the techniques. Just select a niche, follow each step, and… that's it.

Is the content available right away?

Yes, the content is available.

Do I need a Trello account to access DONE-in-a week IMPLEMENTATION Plan?

No :)

The Action Plan is in PDF version too. So if you don’t use (or don’t like) Trello, you can use the PDF version instead.

Who is this toolkit for?

The toolkit is specially designed for B2B Business Owners who already deliver a great service, but need more clients.

How is it different from other courses?

First of all, it's not a course. It’s a COLLECTION of easy-to-follow highly-actionable prospecting techniques AKA Blueprints.

You don't need to spend years learning

all the techniques. Just select a niche, follow each step, and… that's it.

Is the content available right away?

Yes, the content is available.

Do I need a Trello account to access DONE-in-a week IMPLEMENTATION Plan?

No :)

The Action Plan is in PDF version too. So if you don’t use (or don’t like) Trello, you can use the PDF version instead.

I don’t have LinkedIn, will it work for me?

YES! We’ve had several clients and students start from ZERO connections who went on to have highly profitable campaigns.

I’m bad at marketing. I mean… really BAD! Can this work for me?

To be honest there is no blueprint in the world that can replace years of actual prospecting.

But on the other hand, our blueprints use proven prospecting strategies. The fact is: The worse you are, the bigger improvement you will see if you use these high-converting blueprints.

What if I don't like the blueprint and decide this isn't for me?

No worries. We stand by our work. If you don’t like it, just write us an email within 30 days and receive your FULL refund right away.

But if you get stuck and still want to use our blueprints, here is a quick fix:

Write a comment in the members area and we'll help you move forward as smoothly as we can.

I don’t have LinkedIn, will it work for me?

YES! We’ve had several clients and students start from ZERO connections who went on to have highly profitable campaigns.

I’m bad at marketing. I mean… really BAD! Can this work for me?

To be honest there is no blueprint in

the world that can replace years of

actual prospecting.

But on the other hand, our blueprints

use proven prospecting strategies. The fact is: The worse you are, the bigger improvement you will see if you use

these high-converting blueprints.

What if I don't like the blueprint and decide this isn't for me?

No worries. We stand by our work. If

you don’t like it, just write us an email within 30 days and receive your FULL refund right away.

But if you get stuck and still want to

use our blueprints, here is a quick fix:

Write a comment in the members area and we'll help you move forward as smoothly as we can.

Here’s EVERYTHING You Need to fill your

Calendar With Highly Qualified Prospects

 In Less Than 30 Days.

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Total Value: $3,976

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